Royal Arch Talks

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Barcode: 9780853186410

Michael (Mike) Karn became a Freemason in 1987. He researched to find the answers to his many queries regarding the Order, eventually leading him to present his findings by giving Masonic talks. He has had two previous books published by Lewis Masonic, Lodge Talks and Mark and Ark Talks. Mike is a member of the research lodges of Temple of Athene and Quatuor Coronati and has written many Masonic papers for presentation and published articles. In 2019, he was appointed by the Grand Lodge as Prestonian Lecturer, his subject being Freemasonry and the Great War. Mike is a member of lodges and chapters in London and Middlesex and a Grand Officer in the Craft, Royal Arch, and Mark Degrees. There are 25 talks in this book covering a range of interesting Royal Arch topics, including:

Origins of the Royal Arch
Linking the Craft and the Royal Arch
Royal Arch Matters
Royal Arch Ritual
The Sojourners
Hiram Abif
Moses, Aholihab and Bezaleel
The Fall of Babylon
King Solomons Temple

The talks have been written primarily to be presented at convocations. However, they will also clarify more about the Royal Arch and the characters involved and answer matters about the Order that some may find confusing. Hopefully, they will explain too why there is an indissoluble link between the Craft and the Royal Arch, why they are to be considered as one organisation, and why a Master Mason should complete his journey in pure Antient Masonry. Each talk is separate and relatively detailed; if presented as written, each will last about 30 minutes. But if it is felt that a talk is too long, it can easily be reduced by omitting sentences, paragraphs, or other details from the talk without changing the main topic. Some of the information and dates in the talks have been included to explain a particular situation more clearly and may be required to answer any questions. The book has been produced in a convenient spiral-bound design so that a talk can be read straight from the book and the pages easily turned. If presenting a talk, above all, make the talk and any subsequent discussion as enjoyable as possible, Freemasonry is a wonderful fraternity we should all enjoy!

Ring Bound

291 Pages