Logic Ritual

SKU: 4036
Barcode: 9780853186397
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In the nearly 30 years since the Logic Ritual was last revised, many Lodges have found it difficult to maintain strong, consistently well-attended, Lodges of Instruction. A host of factors have led Lodges to reduce the frequency of their L.o.Is; so there is little opportunity to do more than is absolutely necessary to bring the Lodge Officers to a satisfactory standard for their next Regular Meeting. So the decision was taken to expand the Rubric - and the 'General Notes' - to give, as nearly as possible, a complete guide to 'what, how, where and when'. Hopefully, this will allow Brethren, to obtain some of the 'teaching' they might receive at L.o.I., even though they might not be able to attend as often as they - or the Preceptor - would wish. It will serve to promote a greater degree of uniformity in terms of practice amongst Logic Lodges; also, greater continuity when there is a change of Preceptor or Director of Ceremonies, and when another Brother deputises for either.