There are many different ways that Freemasonry gives opportunities for self-development to its members. One aspect of lodge membership often left uncelebrated is how Freemasonry can be a very good gradual and systematic training school in speech-making.
Speech-making is a wonderful way to develop confidence, cultivate eloquence, improve, self-control and learn to express oneself. Words are thoughts made manifest and learning to control your words also allows you to learn to skillfully direct your own inner voice. Rhetoric is after all one of the seven liberal arts Masons are encouraged to study and practice.
It’s a gradual training system that starts on your initiation with just a few words of thanks and then develops to more detailed toasts and responses including some where you are representing others.
Remember that the Lodge is a friendly environment filled with people interested in what you have to say and excited to see you succeed!
The good thing is after your initiation you can learn at your own pace and take part in the toast as little or as much as you like.
Now that I have hopefully got you motivated, let's explore some reading that you can get from The Shop at Freemasons’ Hall that will aid you in developing this art.
Seeking Inspiration?

Masonically Speaking by Yasha Beresiner
This is a light-hearted and inspirational book that covers everything from how to respond to a toast or prepare for if you have to give one to how to actually give a lecture or after-dinner talk on a specific subject. Written by a professional speechmaker, it’s well-illustrated, easy to read and light-hearted. This is this is an ideal title for someone who already feels comfortable talking in front of others and is just seeking inspiration and advice from a well-experienced hand.
Want to Cover all bases?
If you are feeling a bit nervous or just want to know everything in detail this is the book you need. It’s like having a patient past master talk you through every single detail, and explain everything that happens in the lodge in detail. Not sure if it's just me but if I read everything in detail the information seems to stay in. If I just have a brief outline I forget more often.
Masonic After Dinner Speaking by Laurence Ager
No chance to prepare?
Put this book in your pocket or regalia case for those surprise moments!
This book contains a selection of ready-prepared speeches that Freemasons can use at short notice at the festive board. Containing multiple versions of all possible Masonic toasts, this book includes the toast to the Initiate, to the guests, the response on behalf of the guests, the toast to the Worshipful Master and many more.
The Freemason's Handbook of Toasts, Speeches and Responses by Yasha Beresiner
The candidate could not make it.
It’s the moment every Lodge hopes never will happen. The trains are on strike or the car breaks down or something else happens that means that someone essential to the meeting could not turn up. That's when this book comes in. This book covers 15 talks with a range of interesting topics that can just be read out. Produced with large print and a ring-bound spine there is no need to rehearse; you can just put the book on the pedestal and read with confidence.